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Steingrau Schlamm Mocca Aubergine Dunkelgrau Petrol

Our end-to-end planning services

When you built your home, it took some very elaborate design and planning efforts to
ensure the proper fit and function of all its many components. Designing interiors of
rooms involves similarly painstaking preparations. Creative ideas require brainstorming,
and all the technical considerations have to be factored into the design equation so that
the outcome will be precisely what you had envisioned.

Full-service consultancy, including:
Conducting basic evaluations (pre design survey)
Drafting floor plans and partitioning rooms
Estimating costs
Determining individual rooms’ layout
Developing design concepts
Designing lighting systems
Designing walls and floors
Developing color concepts
Developing and planning fittings
Creating collages of materials and samples
Drafting working drawings (with job assignments for drywall hangers, carpenters, tilers, etc.)
Management the site and coordinating work
Supervising subcontractors
Styling rooms for photo shoots and events

Drafting plans:
Design development in a scale of 1/50 or 1/100
Shop drawings (in 1/50)
Blueprints (in 1/10)
Detail drawings (in 1/1)

Color has a profound effect on our impressions of a room and the objects it contains.
Try it out: Click one of the colored cubes on the right below the picture and see how
your perception of the design concept changes.